“As Seen In”

Antoinette and Tanya both write articles and are often quoted in mainstream media.

With multiple television and radio appearances under their belt, they are recognised as experts in their field. Here are some of their work:

Money Management:


Pendal’s #Invested Campaign

“Investing is not about money – not really – and it’s not an end in itself.

What matters is the future it helps create.

This campaign celebrates the role financial advisors play, guiding people to be invested in a better tomorrow.”

– Richard Brandweiner, Chief Executive, Australia, Pendal Group


"Clients who value my advice... Who realise I'm not out to sell them a product, but to support them". Watch as Antoinette Mullins tells the story of one client who felt supported by her, during the darkest time of her life.

Everyone has a story to tell, and together we can create a new one: a story of a future worth investing in. What are you invested in?